2nd Workshop
Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass

6th July 2023

Madrid – Spain



  • Extended Final date to submit abstracts: 31st May 2023 (Template
  • Communication, confirmation and funding (if applicable in the form of reimbursement): 7th June 2023.
  • Early bird registration: 15th June 2023.
  • Workshop date: 6th July 2023.

COST Action

COST Action CA21146

COST Action CA21146 is a four-year networking action that aims at creating a European network to share information, facilitating technology and knowledge transfer between the academic and industrial sectors, related to Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria (PPB) applications for resource recovery from organic waste sources. Resource recovery includes wastewater or organic waste, open or closed environments, in single or chain processes.

The network associates fundamental-focused and applied research groups, improving lab-scale technology optimization through mechanistic modeling. It benefits the technology transfer from applied-research groups to industry, considerably improving process design. PURPLEGAIN also aims to create a database for techno-economic, social and environmental impacts studies, which facilitates the marketability of both the PPB-based technologies and the products to extract. Some focused products are polyhydroxyalkanoates, single-cell proteins, biomass for energy, biomass as fertilizer, biohydrogen, carotenoids, terpenoids, organic acids, coenzyme Q10, and 5-aminolevulinic acid.


COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology established to initiate networking and coordination of nationally funded research activities on a European level. It facilitates bringing good scientists together under light strategic guidance based on networks, called COST Actions, centred around research projects in fields that are of interest to COST countries and cooperating countries.

2nd Workshop


The workshop is organized by Dr. Daniel Puyol (Chair and head of the local organizing committee), Dr. Ioanna Vasiliadou (Training Schools Coordinator), Dr. Gabriel Capson Tojo (Working Group 2 Leader), Dr. Joana Fradinho (Vice Chair)., in the frame of WG 2: Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass of the COST action (CA21146) – PURPLEGAIN.

Key dates

  • Final date to submit abstracts: 31st May 2023 (Download Template)
  • Communication, confirmation and funding (if applicable in the form of reimbursement): 7th June 2023.
  • Early bird registration: 15th June 2023.
  • Workshop date: 6th July 2023.

PURPLEGAIN aims to create a European network to share information, facilitating technology and knowledge transfer between the academic and industrial sectors, related to PPB applications for resource recovery from organic waste sources. Resource recovery includes wastewater or organic waste, open or closed environments, in single or chain processes. The network associates fundamental-focused and applied-research groups, improving lab-scale technology optimization through mechanistic modeling. It benefits the technology transfer from applied-research groups to industry, considerably improving process design. PURPLEGAIN also aims to create a database for techno-economic, social and environmental impacts studies, which facilitates the marketability of both the PPB-based technologies and the products to extract. Some focused products are polyhydroxyalkanoates, single-cell proteins, biomass for energy, biomass as fertilizer, biohydrogen, carotenoids, terpenoids, organic acids, coenzyme Q10, and 5-aminolevulinic acid.

Accordingly, the workshop in the frame of Working group 2, which coordinates the initiatives focused on applied research, exploring operational strategies for combined product development, is focused on two main Topics: (i) wastewater treatment with purple phototrophic bacteria and resource recovery from organic waste sources in purple photo-biorefineries, and (ii) downstream processing: advances in extraction and purification of high added-value molecules, and engineering challenges: scale-up of photo-bioreactors, including control and light integration.


Call for participanting

This is a call for participating in the 2nd Workshop “Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass” in the frame of WG 2: Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass of the COST action (CA21146) – PURPLEGAIN.
We invite abstract contributions for oral presentations to this interdisciplinary workshop from all academic disciplines (PhD student, young researchers, post-doctoral and senior researchers, and professors) and other stakeholders that address the following issues of the two main topics:

  1. Wastewater treatment with purple phototrophic bacteria and resource recovery from organic waste sources in purple photo-biorefineries.
  2. Downstream processing: advances in extraction and purification of high added-value molecules, and engineering challenges: scale-up of photo-bioreactors, including control and light integration.
Rules for abstract submission


8:30-9:00 | Registration

08:50 – 09:00 | Welcome from the Local Organizer. Dr. Daniel Puyol

9:00-15:20 | Session I. Wastewater treatment with purple phototrophic bacteria and resource recovery from organic waste sources in purple photo-biorefineries

Key-note lecturer

09:00 – 10:00 | Dr. Tim Hülsen, (CEO at Fouling Doctors, Australia)

From research to real-life application of purple phototrophic bacteria
Invited speakers

10:00 – 10:30 | Prof. Siegfried Vlaeminck (Department of Bioscience Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium)

Towards purple cleantech: Exploring sustainable single-cell protein production and application strategies for purple bacteria

10:30 – 11:00 | Dr. Luis Diaz Allegue (ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Spain)

PHA Production from Urban BioWaste: Understanding the Power of Purple Phototrophic Bacteria

11:00-11:20 | Coffee-Break

11:20-13:00 | Oral presentations I

11:20 – 11:35 |Amanda Prado de Nicolás, A. Ventura, Y. Segura, I. Pariente, M. Ventura, J A. Melero, F. Martínez, D. Puyol

Domesticating Purple Phototrophic Bacteria for Sustainable and Secure Protein Production Through the Photo-electro-biorefinery of Pig Manure

Domesticating Purple Phototrophic Bacteria for Sustainable and Secure Protein Production Through the Photo-electro-biorefinery of Pig Manure

Climate change, water scarcity and soil degradation threaten global food security and may deplete naturalresourcesby 2050. Pig farming generates a significant amount of manure, around 1.31.8 billion tons annually in theEuropean Union, containing high nitrogen concentrations that contribute to pollution and greenhouse gasemissions.Currentanimalbased protein production for human consumption is unsustainable and inefficient,requiring a shift towards more sustainable protein production methods[1].This study proposes photomicrobialelectrosynthesis as a versatile solution for bothmanuretreatment and sustainable protein production.Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are highly versatile microorganisms that have recently been proposed as apromising alternative source of protein. Theyperformanoxygenic photosynthesis using a wide range ofsolubleelectron donors, and some can even accept electrons from solid phases such as minerals and graphite electrodes.The mechanism used for electron uptake from a cathode electrode is direct extracellular electron transfer (DEET),which is compatible with carbon fixation via the CalvinBenson cycle. Inelectroautotrophic conditions, PPB canachieve up to 60% protein yield, making them a potential alternative source of protein with an amino acid profilewell suited for humanconsumption.[2,3,4].TheVALPIG4FOOD project proposes a novel photoelectrobiorefineryto treat pig manure and convert it intomicrobialprotein and biomethane (Fig. 1). This project aims to increase the sustainability of pig manure treatmentby avoiding the dissipation of nutrients into the soil and atmosphere and reducing carbon emissions to zero. Theproposedbiorefineryrecovers the ammonium fromhydrolyzedpig manure and the biogas generated in theanaerobic digestion to feed a photomicrobial electrosynthesis (photoMES) system to upgrade biogas tobiomethane and produce PPB protein for human food consumption

11:35 – 11:50 |G. Tassinato, P. Cerchier, A. Stoppato, Marco Biasiolo, C. Cavinato

An insight on Purple-B project: Hydrogen production from immobilized cells in photo bioreactors

An insight on Purple-B project: Hydrogen production from immobilized cells in photo bioreactors

Hydrogen has been widely recognized as a promising tool to addressglobal warming problems, due to its highenergy density and the sustainability of its utilization[1].Although being currently not economicallycompetitive[2],hydrogen production through bioprocesses is regarded as a promising approach in terms ofsustainability. This is attributed tothe mild operative conditions[34], minimal net greenhouse gas emissions[4],and the potential to exploit waste materials and wastewaters as carbon and energy source[5].In this perspective,the PurpleB project aims to develop atwostage sequentialDark andPhotofermentationsystem for treating wastegenerated by astronaut crews.The implementation of a twostage process using food waste and black water orsewage sludge, which are the primary waste streams in a space station, presents an opportunity to maximizehydrogen (H2) recovery from these substrates. This approach creates a direct wastetoenergynexus,simultaneously purifying the effluent and generating a supply of H2.Moreover, the immobilization ofPurpleNonSulfurBacteria (PNSB) on a hydrophilic matrix enables the system to function in microgravity conditions,such as on planets(e.g.,Mars)or within a gravityfree environment like a space station. By employing animmobilized biomass photobioreactor, the volume of water circulating through the system is minimized, allowingfor better control of biomass growth. Thus, the PurpleB reactor serves as a crucial component within the closedsystem of a space station, effectively transforming waste into energy

Short speakers

11:50 – 12:00 |Luca Bernabò, G. Daly, G. Mugnai, V. Galli, L. Granchi, A. Adessi

Production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate from bread wastes by sequential lactic and photofermentation

Production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate from bread wastes by sequential lactic and photofermentation

Issues regarding the environmental impacts of petroleumbased polymers coupled with petroleum resourcedepletion and thecrude oil prices uncertainty have raised the focus on biodegradable plastics (BPs), obtained fromrenewable resources (the socalled biobased polymers). Among biobased polymers, microbial polyβhydroxybutyrate (PHB) represents a valid substitute for conventional plastics thanks to its thermoplastics, physicaland mechanical properties [1]. Purple nonsulfur bacteria (PNSB) are capable of accumulating PHB in intracellularinclusions, in response to unbalanced growth conditions characterized by an excessof carbon and a simultaneouslack of other nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, or magnesium) [23]. Also, PNSB’s versatile metabolismallows them to grow on wastederived substrates, thus reducing costs for materials [4]. In particular, bread wastesare a valuable substrate for PNSB’s PHB production, due to their high carbon content (up to 70% of carbohydrates,mostly starch) [5]. This work aimed to convert bread wastes into PHB using a twostage microbial fermentation.The first stage was represented by the lactic fermentation of bread wastes, using theLactobacillus amylovorusDSM 20532. Then, the fermented bread broth was used for the second stage represented by photofermentationusing eight different PNSB strainsin pure cultures. The highest PHB production was of 44.5 g·gdry biomass1,obtained withRhodobacter sphaeroidesPisa7(Fig.1). This study demonstrates the possibility of using carbonrich food wastes for microbial PHB production, towards a circular economy.

12:00 – 12:10 |Sultan Shaikh, G. McKey, H. Mackey

Assessment of fuel synthesis wastewater strength on treatment and resource recovery using phototrophic mixed culture in biofilm photobioreactor.

Assessment of fuel synthesis wastewater strength on treatment and resource recovery using phototrophic mixed culture in biofilm photobioreactor.

This study investigates the potential of purple nonsulfur bacteria (PNSB) biofilm technology for wastewatertreatment and resource recovery using fuel synthesis wastewater (FSW) as a lowcost substrate. Two biofilmphotobioreactors (BPBRs) were used, with one receiving FSW atfullstrength(100%)and the other at a dilutedstrength(25%). The BPBRs were monitored daily for chemical oxygen demand (COD), optical density, and pH.At the end of the experiment,various resources were recovered,including carotenoids (Crts), bacteriochlorophylls(BChls), total cellular protein (TCP), and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs).Biomass production was higher in 100% wastewater for both suspended and biofilm growth (Figure 1a), withhigherattachment and coverage of the biofilm on the support material(Figure 1 bc). COD removal was 3225 ±49 mg/L for 100% wastewater and 1302 ± 32 mg/L for 25% wastewater,correspondingto64% and 94% removal,respectively(Figure 1d).This suggests that the diluted wastewater was easier to treat, potentially due to a lowerorganic load.The Crts and BChls production were found within the range of 1.74.6μg/gand 1.12.7μg/ginboth growths and wastewater concentrations, respectively,indicating notsuitable resources to recoverfrom FSWat both strengths(Figure 1e).TCP content varied from 3637%and 3841%in suspended and biofilm growth of100% and 25% wastewater,respectively (Figure 1f). PHB contentincreased with decreasing wastewaterconcentration in both growth modes andwas320% (Figure 1g).It indicates that lowstrength wastewater hashighTCP and PHB content potential.In conclusion, 100% wastewater concentration had higher COD removal,PNSB growth, and BChls production,but 25% wastewater concentration led to higher PHB, TCP, and carotenoidsproduction.While recovery ofbioresources from lowstrength FSW is feasible, it may not be economically viable due to the need for additionalfreshwater sources and reactors for dilution. Therefore, treating fullstrength FSW is a moreviable option forresource recovery, but optimizing reactor design is necessary to enhance bioresource production and improvebiofilm growth for more efficient harvesting

12:10 – 12:20 |Juliana Roda Almeida, E. Serrano León, E.L. Corona, J.C. Fradinho, A. Oehmen, M.A.M. Reis

Understanding the role of ammonia in PHA production with a Light- Feast/Dark-Aerated-Famine operated phototrophic-chemotrophic consortium

Understanding the role of ammonia in PHA production with a Light- Feast/Dark-Aerated-Famine operated phototrophic-chemotrophic consortium

The production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) using phototrophicmixed cultures (PMC)is a promisingtechnology for wastewater treatment andresource recovery[1].However,wastes streams commonly used inPHAproduction have tremendous variations on nutrientsconcentrations, andtheavailabilityof ammonia, coupled oruncoupled with carbon feeding, can impact the selection of PHA producing microorganisms in mixed cultures[2].Likewise,the promising use ofsunlightas free energy sourceforphototrophicPHA production,presentsseasonalfluctuations in outdooroperation,whichmayalsohave animpacton thePMCperformance[1].This researchinvestigated the impact ofdifferentselectionmethodsofPMCenrichedin PHAaccumulating purplephototrophic bacteria (PPB).APMCwas selectedunder lightfeast/darkaeratedfamine and winter simulatedoutdoor conditions, using fermented domestic wastewater as feedstock, and selectedthree ammonia settings: 1)ammonia available only in the light phase, 2) ammonia always present, and 3) ammonia available only during thedarkaeratedfamine phase.The study concludedthat ammonia presence was essential to promote growth of PHAaccumulating bacteria indarkaeratedfamine phase,and thatammonia absence in the lightperiod favored cyanobacteria growth, resultingin decreased phototrophic PHA accumulation capacity.The best performance outcome was obtained underconstant presence of ammonia,attaining a PHA content of 21.6 %gPHA/gVSS (0.6 gPHA/L.day). Moreover,lightfeast/darkaeratedfamine operationwas found to guaranteetotal carbon depletion from wastewaterandmaintainingthePHA accumulation performanceofthe systemunder winter conditions,demonstrating its potentialto overcome the constraints of seasonal fluctuations in future outdoor operations

12:20 – 12:30 |María del Rosario Rodero, J.A. Magdalena, J.-P. Steyer, R. Escudié, G. Capson-Tojo

Single cell protein production from H2 by purple bacteria enriched cultures: influence of environmental conditions on microbial kinetics

Single cell protein production from H2 by purple bacteria enriched cultures: influence of environmental conditions on microbial kinetics

Single cell protein (SCP)can besustainableprotein sourcewhenbased on the recovery of carbon and nutrientsfrom wastederived resources.The growth of purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) onpathogenfree sources, suchassterilizedgaseous streams, is a promising option for a safe SCP production.PPBgrowusing awiderange ofelectron/carbon donors, resulting inhigh biomass yields and high protein contents [1].H2fromthefermentationof organic waste, syngas, or generated via water electrolysis using surplus of electricity from renewable sources,and CO2from offgases, represent promising electron and carbon sources for the sustainable and pathogenfreeproduction of SCP[2].In this study, the potential ofan enrichedPPB consortia forSCP production usingH2andCO2has been evaluated.A series ofsequentialbatch enrichments (over 14)using H2as electron donorwereperformed to obtain a PPB consortium able to achieve an efficient photoautotrophic growth.Subsequently, theinfluence of pH (6.08.5), temperature (1550 ºC) and light intensity (050 W·m2) on the growth kinetics andbiomass yields was investigated using batch tests(Figure 1).Theenvironmental conditionsconsiderablyaffectedtheoverallH2uptake rates,with values up to 61±5 mg COD·d1under optimal growth conditions(initialpHvaluesof 7,atemperature of 25 ºC and light intensities over 30 W·m2).Optimal specific uptake rates of2.00±0.14mgCOD·mg COD·d1were achieved.Lower or higher pH values and temperatures resulted in decreasedrates whereasno photoinhibition was observed atlight intensities up to50 W·m2.High biomass and protein yields were achieved(~ 1 g CODbiomassg CODH2consumed1and 3.94.4 g proteing1H2) regardless of the environmental conditions. Thebiomass exhibited high protein contents (>50% w/w),in agreement with PPB grown photoheterotrophically[3].PPB were the dominant bacteria during the experiments (relative abundance over 80% in most tests), with a stablepopulation dominated byRhodobactersp. andRhodopseudomonassp. This study demonstrates the potential ofenriched PPB cultures for H2bioconversion into SCP

12:30 – 12:40 |David G. Weissbrodt, A. Alloul, J. L. Rombouts, R. E. F. Lindeboom, Z. L. Forgereau1, M. P. Giulianetti de Almeida, M. Cerruti

Ecological engineering of microbial mixed cultures by combining fermentation and photoorganoheterotrophy to valorise carbohydrate-rich water residuals

Ecological engineering of microbial mixed cultures by combining fermentation and photoorganoheterotrophy to valorise carbohydrate-rich water residuals

Microbial community engineeringfosters thetreatmentandvalorisation oforganic/nutrient residuals from thedairy industry [1].Microbiomesareecologically engineered in nonaxenic mixed cultures [2],e.g.,for the selectivemixedculture fermentation ofcarbohydrates[3,4].Mixed cultures oftheanoxygenicandversatilepurple(PPB)and green (GPB)photoorganoheterotrophic bacteriacanupgradeagrifoodresidualsinto nutrientrich biomassesand bioproductsat high yield[5,6].Combining them with fermentative bacteria (FB)in anaerobic mixed culturesisanimportantendpoint[1,7].Little is known about metabolic interactionsofFB andphotoorganoheterotrophsincommunities.We engineeredmixed cultures ofPPB and GPBand studied their interactions withFB.Weaddressedeffectsof reactor regimes(batch or chemostat), illumination modes (continuous light, dark, or light/dark cycles; infrared or white light), andsubstrates (acetate, glucose, lactose, cheese whey) on process ecology,conversions, andmetabolicregulation.PPB andGPBwere best selected with fermented organics like acetate, independent of(dis)continuous culturing[79].Acetate andinfrared(IR)lightenriched forPPBat93%[8,10], which remained>70% across an irradiancerangefrom 350 (Earth surface)down to3 W m2[11].Irradiance impacted thegrowth rate, biomass production,and photopigment content.At low light, PPB expressed more proteins of lightharvesting complexes[11].A densePPB biomass (3.8 g VSS L1)wasobtainedin sequencing batch [10].White light eventually selected for oxygenicgreenmixotrophs, impactingthe anaerobicreactorenvironment[9].Fermentable sugarsbroughtPPB and GPBin competition with FB[7,9]. Reactor regimesdroveselection.FastgrowingFB(>80%)outcompetedthemin batch,under bothdarkandlight.Maintaining a low dilution rate of 0.04h1in chemostatunder continuous/alternating irradianceestablishedPPB (30%)inmetabolicsymbiosis withFB(>70%)in asingle sludge.Microbial associations of FB and photoorganoheterotrophs can be engineered in anaerobic mixed cultures to treatand valorise carbohydrateresiduals, using microbial ecology.Microbial guildscan be combinedin a single sludge(cheap but low selectivity),or in a twosludge systemto firstsolubilise/acidify organicsby mixedculturefermentation before supplying fermentation products to a secondmixedculture photobioreactorproducing a highgrade PPB or GPB biomass, dependingon treatment/valorisation objectives

12:40 – 12:50 |Miguel Palhas, D. Puyol, J. Fradinho and M.A.M Reis

Inhibition effects of PET degradation products on Purple Phototrophic Bacteria

Inhibition effects of PET degradation products on Purple Phototrophic Bacteria

Every year, Europe consumes >50 million tonnes of nonbiodegradable plastic,10%comingfromPETdemand.In 2020fromthe totalinendoflifePETinEU,only52%iscollected for recycling,besides, PET recyclingmostly involves mechanicaldegradationleading to therelease ofmicroplasticsandconsequently,leaching ofchemicalcompounds.[1,2]Theseplastic derived compounds (PDCs),also foundon enzymatic depolymerizationprocesses of PET, are mainly composed ofethylene glycol (EG) and aromatics such as terephthalic acid (TPA),thatcan be furtherusedascarbon sourcesto producenew biodegradable materials.[3]With the wider use ofPurple Phototrophic Bacteria (PPB)as apromisingwaste management technology, itis of utmost importance tounderstand the influencethatcomplexcompoundsfrom PET packaging found in daytoday products, eventuallybeingfound in waste streams,have in PPB.With this work weaimto understandwhatcouldbetheimpactof PDCs in a mixed culture enriched in PPB notpreviously adaptedto the presence of such compounds. The culture was inoculated in 100 mL serum flasksandilluminatedwith an average of 164 W/m2with halogen lamps after a cutoff UV/VIS filter.Fivedifferent conditions were testedwith increasingconcentrations ofPDCs, starting in0gCOD/L, up to18gCOD/L. The PDCs were a combinationof EGand TPA in molar proportion of 1:1as usually results fromenzymatic PET degradation.To control the normal activity ofthe bacteria,all flasksreceived2 gCOD/Lofbutyricacid(the carbon source used for the selection of the inoculum).The resultsshowedthatthe presence of PDCs upto5gCOD/Ldoes notinhibitthe growth of PPBmixedcultures,withthegrowth profilebeing similarto the control where only butyric wasgiven(Figure 1). Once the PDCconcentration in the medium increased,thelag phaseincreasedup to4timesat the18 gCOD/L condition whencompared tothecontrol. Theresults also showed an absence of consumption ofTPA during the duration of thetest, buton the other hand,afavorableconsumption of EGbythe PPB culturewas observed

12:50 – 13:00 |Sandra Chacón-Aparicio, J. Villamil, R. Molina & D. Puyol

Co-treatment of mixed urban wastes using mixed cultures of purple phototrophic bacteria for incorporation into the circular economy through high-value-added products

Co-treatment of mixed urban wastes using mixed cultures of purple phototrophic bacteria for incorporation into the circular economy through high-value-added products

In Europe,138 milliontonsof municipal biowasteis generated annually, 75% of which is destined forincineration or landfill. This disposal of biowaste generates a huge negative environmental cost and excessiveeconomic expenditure. These methods have a high carbon footprint, andmost of the nutrientsand resourcespresent are not recovered[1].A high percentage of waste has great potential as a raw material for high valueadded products. For example, wastewater and solid organic waste[23]contain valuable nutrients that can be usedas raw material for many applications:water regeneration, fertilizers, bioplastics, cosmetics or proteins[4].It is necessary to find an alternative to the treatment of this urban waste that, in turn,favorsthecirculareconomy. In this sense, the first step begins by changing the concept of WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) toresource recovery plants. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to make use of biotechnology usingmicroorganisms capable of promoting change. One proposal isPPB (purple phototrophic bacteria)due to theirversatile metabolism, capable of assimilating nutrients from the environment and accumulating them into productsof interest such aspolyphosphate, polyhydroxyalkanoate, carotenoids, bacteriochlorophyll, glycogen, proteinorfertilizers[45].However, this type ofwastewater does not meet the optimal COD:Nbalance for the development of PPBs.However, this problem can be solved by adding an extrasupply of biodegradable organicmatter. This projectproposes the use of theorganic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)as a source for obtaining thisorganic matter. This requires priorsolubilizationof the organic matter through the process of thermal hydrolysiswith steam explosion. Thecombination of the liquidfraction (LF)derived from this process with the domesticwastewater makes it possible to obtain a mixture that has a balanced COD:N ratiofor its complete andsimultaneous assimilation

13:00-15:00 | Lunch Break

Short speakers

15:00 – 15:10 |Hartmut Grammel, O. Hädicke, C. Autenrieth, R. Ghosh

Utilization of biogenic wastes to produce value-added compounds in microaerobic dark bioreactor cultivations with Rhodospirillum rubrum

Utilization of biogenic wastes to produce value-added compounds in microaerobic dark bioreactor cultivations with Rhodospirillum rubrum

For the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum, a growth medium was developed,which surprisingly results inmaximal expression of photosynthetic membranes under microaerobic dark conditions. The cultivation process overcomes the necessity for light and opens a new route to obtain photosynthetic products in common darkbioreactors at industrial scales.The dark photosynthesis“ metabolic regime was analyzed in an interdisciplinary approach of stoichiometric andkinetic computational modeling and lab experiments, The experimental determination of redox states of electrontransfer components in combination with simulation studiesindicatesbiochemical mimicking oflightsignalinginthe dark.For further development towards an economically viable process, biogenic wastes ofthemilk/whey industry andviticulture, respectively, are now exploited in fedbatchhighcelldensity cultivations with a focus on biohydrogenand carotenoid production.

15:10 – 15:20 |Laura Foix, P. M. Binder, A. Pabón, L. Paredes, S. Ponsá

Evaluating the feasibility of purple bacteria culture for resources recovery from organic byproducts of the vegetal beverage industry

Evaluating the feasibility of purple bacteria culture for resources recovery from organic by products of the vegetal beverage industry

The global market for fruit and vegetable juices is growing due to changes in consumerpreferences, a shift towardshealthier diets, and the popularity of coldpressed juices. However, as production increases, so does the amount ofwaste and byproducts generated. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) have a unique metabolism that allows themto thrive in complex waste streams[1]. Recent studies have shown that PPB can be used to produce highqualitysinglecell protein with a high protein concentration[2]. In this study, PPB (Rhodobacter sphaeroides) wasculturedphotoheterotrophically using byproducts from coldpressed soybean, rice, and oat juices as a substrate.The growth was sustained in batch mode, and PPB was able to produce a biomass with remarkable high contentsof highquality proteins. Positive control (commercial growing medium, [3]) achieved a biomass withca.50%(DW) of proteins, while the addition of soybean byproductsextracts at 50%diminished the growth rateconsiderably (0.72and 0.37g DWL1d1, respectively,seeFigure 1)butenhanced the protein content reachingup toca.67% (DW) by uptaking ca. 30% of medium N.Interestingly,the replacement ofthe soymilk basewithmixcereal byproduct extract resulted toabiomassproductivityand proteincontentcomparableto the optimum.Results show thatR. sphaeroideswas not able to grow solely over these byproducts, but growth was enabledwhen adding an external source of simple sugars (e.g.,1 g L1acetate),exhibitinga growth yield of0.33g DWL1d1in case of mixcerealfully basedmedium.Although further analysisisneeded toconfirm the suitability of the obtained PPB biomassas raw material inaquacultureand livestock feeding,the use ofR. sphaeroidesgrowing over vegetable drink ́s byproducts seem tobe promising for proteinrich biomass production.These results provide initial evidence on the feasibility ofresource recovery whileproducing highvalue biomass from a relevantfoodbyproductsourcewhich deemssuitable for its potential downstream valorization as animal feed ingredients.

15:20-18:00 | SESSION II. Downstream processing: advances in extraction and purification of high added-value molecules, and engineering challenges: scale-up of photo-bioreactors, including control and light integration

Key-note lecturer

15:20 – 16:20 | Dr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia (Head of Eco-efficiency Area – Aqualia, Madrid, Spain)

The largest anaerobic photobiorefinery based on PPB: gaining the real value of wastewater and urban wastes
Invited speakers

16:20 – 16:50 | Prof. Robin Ghosh (Institute of Biomaterials and Biomolecular Systems, Universität Stuttgart)

High-level M2SF-production of pigments and membrane proteins in Rhodospirillum rubrum: strategies for medium-scale downstream processing

16:50 – 17:20 | Dr. Alessandra Adessi (Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry Technology, University of Florence, Italy)

Exploring different agro-industrial wastes for H2 and PHB production with purple non-sulfur bacteria

17:20-18:00 | Oral presentations from Applicants

17:20 – 17:35 |Michal Koblížek, Nupur, P. Hrouzek, J. Cheel, M. Kuzma

Purification and structural analysis of novel carotenoids from phototrophic bacteria

Purification and structural analysis of novel carotenoids from phototrophic bacteria

Purple bacteria contain large amounts of various carotenoids. These natural pigments have three main functions:they harvest and transfer light energy, they have structural roleand they have also protective role as antioxidants.In biotechnology carotenoids are used as natural food colorants and antioxidants. Currently, most of thecommercially utilized carotenoids come from plants or algae: betacarotene, lutein, or astaxanthin. Purple bacteriacontain hundreds of novel carotenoids, representing a potential source of valuable compounds for food or chemicalindustry.While several methods exist for extracting carotenoids from algal biomass, they are complex, costly, and havelimited applicability on a pilot or industrial scale. Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is an efficient,automatable, environmentally friendly, and costeffective technology to recover pigments from microalgae.Considering the great versatility and selectivity of this technology facilitated by a liquid stationary phase, it willenable the recovery of a wide variety of highvalue carotenoids, ensuring product diversification for commercial applications.Standard purification protocols include extraction to organic solvents followed by liquid chromatography. Furtherthe structure of novel carotenoids can be analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR, COSY, 1H13CHSQC, 1H13C HMBC, Jresolved, and ROESY) and highresolution mass spectroscopy to deter to determinetheir exact chemical structur

17:35 – 17:50 |Rossella Labarile, P. Veronico, V.Ancona, M. Trotta

Plant promoting growth and soil bioremediation by Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Plant promoting growth and soil bioremediation by Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Industrial activities, pesticides, and improper waste disposal represent the main anthropogenic activities
responsible for soil pollution. The Italian government in 1998 listed fourteen nationally relevant polluted sites in
urgent need an environmental remediation [1]. Among these sites, the city of Taranto – located in southern Italy –
and its nearby industrial area is included as highly polluted district.
The presence of a very large steel industry, an oil refinery, a power plant, and a set of dockyards contributed
altogether to the release of multiple and toxic pollutants in the environment. Although several studies were and
are published focused on air and water pollution, few reports evaluated soil contamination of this area.
Investigation on chemical and physical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, available P, Organic C) and
contaminant analyses of soil samples collected from a multi-contaminated area located close to Taranto were
performed, [2] showing the presence of hazardous toxic pollutants, such as heavy metals (HMs) and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These pollutants are persisting and tend to bioaccumulate along the food-chain.
Effective and sustainable decontamination methods are hence highly needed. Based on the synergistic action
established between plant root system and soil rhizosphere microorganisms, Plant Assisted BioRemediation has
been proved to be efficient in restoring quality of contaminated soils [2, 3].
In this work, the purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a prokaryote able to convert sunlight into
other forms of energy by photosynthesis, was used as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Due to its metabolic
versatility and ability to grow in presence of heavy metals [4, 5], R.sphaeroides can be exploited for environmental
applications, such as bioremediation of polluted sites.
Here, the effect on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana in PCBs and HMs-contaminated soil from Taranto area,
inoculated with bacterial cells of the wild type 2.4.1 of R. sphaeroides was assessed. These preliminary results
obtained in growth chamber in controlled conditions pose the foundation for the development of a more sustainable
management system for soil bioremediation.

Short speakers

17:50 – 18:00 |Naïm Blansaer, J. Spanoghe, A. Alloul and S. E. Vlaeminck

Microbial protein based on renewable power and CO2: Hydrogenotrophic cultivation of purple bacteria in a photobioreactor

Microbial protein based on renewable power and CO2: Hydrogenotrophic cultivation of purple bacteria in a photobioreactor

As the global population and living standards continue to rise, it is increasingly important to minimize theenvironmental impact of protein production. Microbial protein answers this challenge, in its simplest approach byusing the route of singlecell protein. An appealingpathis to produce such proteinaceous biomass without usingarable land or fossils, based mainly on carbon dioxideand renewably producedhydrogen gas[1]. While aerobicproduction on these resources(using hydrogen oxidizing bacteria)has been well explored with commercializationon the way, this is far less the case for the phototrophic route using purple bacteria, which enables a superiorhydrogentoprotein conversion yield[2].This conference presentation will discuss the photoautohydrogenotrophic production of protein using purplebacteria, not only in flasks but also for the first time in a bioreactor(Figure 1). Nutritional quality parameters weredetermined for three species of purple bacteria, all of which demonstrated high protein content (up to 60% of dryweight)withexcellent dietary compatibility,anda fatty acid content dominated by vaccenic acid (8286%).ARhodobacter capsulatusstrainexhibited the best nutritional and kinetic performance and was selected for growthin a bubble column photobioreactor, achieving a dry weight productivity of 0.8 gDW/L/d, which is higher thanpreviously reported in the literature for this growth mode.Semicontinuous photohydrogenotrophic production was achieved under nonaxenicconditions for 32 days.Alternation between visible and infraredlight was used as an operational tool to suppress microalgaecontamination whilst remaining agoodproductivityin the reactor.These findings suggest that purple bacteria are promising candidatesto sustainably produceprotein without theneed for arable land or fossil fuels. Further research will be necessary to fully explore the functional and structuralproperties of this biomass in food systems and realize its potentialto the fullest

18:00-18:30 | Coffee-Break

18:30-20:00 | Round table discussion on “Improving the productivity of photobioreactors based on smart design”

Moderators: Dr. Daniel Puyol, Chair of the COST action, and Dr. Gabriel Capson-Tojo, WG2 leader.


Accommodation and Transportation information

Room rates

Room rates of University Residence José Pérez de Vargas


AppellationRoom rates in EUR/room/night
Single/double room single occupancyEUR 42 (VAT included)
More information

About the price

Payment method

  • Reservations will be paid in advance through bank transfer. Once you make the reservation via email, the University Residence will provide you with the details to make the bank transfer. This transfer can be made up until a week before, upon arrival.
  • Prices include VAT and service fee.


  • There is on-site free parking with sufficient parking spots for all participants.

Policy of penalty cancellation

  • Penalty-free cancellation deadline: participants can cancel their reservation up until a week before upon arrival without penalty.
  • Penalty: After the deadline, the price will be charged in full.

Our Remarks

A) Transport from (to) Barajas Airport (Madrid) to (from) the University Residence José Pérez Vargas:

1) Subway (Metro): The Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport currently has four terminals. Metro de Madrid is conveniently accessible from any of them using the two stations located at the airport: Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3 Station and Aeropuerto T4 Station, both on 8 train (L8, pink line). The opening hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.

  • Instructions: get the 8 train (pink line) from the Airport to “Colombia” station. There are transfers to the 9 train (purple line) direction “Puerta de Arganda” until “Vicálvaro Station”. From the “Vicálvaro Station” is a 5-minute walk.

  • Metro tickets (Multi Public Transport Card, more information) can be purchased from the ticket machines located in stations. You can also check the balance on your ticket at these machines.
  • To travel from and to the Airport, you will have to pay an extra fee

2) Car transfer/taxi: You can also get a taxi from the Airport (around EUR 30) or download one of the car transfer apps (such as Cabify, Uber or Bolt) (around EUR 20). Some of these transfer services also work with taxis. These are personal recommendations. The URJC does not accept any liability for the use of these services.

B) City Mapper

  • We recommend downloading the City Mapper app: https://citymapper.com/?lang=en. We consider it a very useful tool to move out and about, wherever you are, not only Madrid.

C) Tips about life in Madrid

D) Other services

  • There are several swimming pools in the surroundings of the University Residence (Centro Deportivo Municipal Faustina Valladolid, Centro Deportivo Municipal Margot Moles – Vicálvaro, Centro Deportivo Municipal La Elipa).
  • You can purchase your tickets online. Clic on “Acceso no identificado” and then, in the “Entradas de uso libre” section select “Nado libre en piscina cubierta”.
  • You can also make reservations via the “Madrid Móvil” app. Once you download the app (either in Play Store or the App Store), you must clic on “Madrid es Deporte” and then in the “Entradas de uso libre” section, select “Piscina de Verano”. The price for the whole day is of EUR 5 (there are discounts for children under 13 and people over 65 years old).
  • Do not forget to take a swimsuit with you. Temperatures in Madrid during July are usually quite high (minimum 20oC – maximum 35oC).

    Campus of Vicalvaro (Madrid) of the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
    P.º de los Artilleros, 38, 28032 Madrid

    Financial Support – Application procedure for reimbursement

    Documentation for applying

    The documentation needed for applying for reimbursement are as follows:

    1. Applicants must upload a short Curriculum Vitae (in English).
    2. Applicants must upload a motivation letter (in English).
    3. Applicants must upload a scanned copy of their passport (if applicants do not have a passport, they can upload their national ID card)

    Please, check the General Rules to be reimbursed.

    Selection criteria

    The selection criteria for participants that will be eligible for reimbursement will comply with the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy, in the implementation of the Action and will encourage attendance by a diverse selection of participants in consideration of:

    1. Underrepresented groups, including those with disabilities. Priority will be given to underrepresented groups, including those with disabilities.
    2. Gender balance.
    3. The level of involvement of Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs). Priority will be given to participants from Inclusiveness Target Countries. The current list of ITCs include: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
    4. The level of involvement of Early Career Investigators (ECIs). Priority will be given to PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers, followed by senior post-doctoral researchers and professors.
    5. In addition, workshop organizers may also consider other special attributes such as
      1. Type, or level of expertise in the field of the Workshop based on the curriculum vitae,
      2. Appropriate core knowledge and understanding
      3. Willingness to participate based on the motivation letter
      4. Demonstrated interest based on the motivation letter,
      5. The positive impact that the participants will have on the applicant’s future carrier and
      6. Willingness to make a presentation in the Workshop session.

      Financial support through reimbursement does not necessarily cover all expenses but is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

      Financial contribution

      Financial support through reimbursement does not necessarily cover all expenses but is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

      The financial contribution for each successful applicant shall respect the following criteria:

      • Up to a maximum of EUR 450 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant from ITC country.
      • Up to a maximum of EUR 250 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant from non-ITC country.
      • Up to a maximum of EUR 150 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant from Spain.

      Please remind that this financial contribution must be understood as financial aid aimed to help applicants to cover the expenses of their participation in the Workshop.

      This financial aid does not aim to cover 100% of the expenses.

      Please see the General Rules to be reimbursed.

      Evaluation process and result announcement

      Evaluation process

      The selection committee, composed of the Action Chair, the Vice Chair, the Grant Awarding coordinator, the Training Schools Coordinator and the WG1 Leader, will evaluate the applications within a month after the abstract submission deadline and will inform the successful evaluated applicants. The successful applicants will then receive an e-mail from the grant holder (Grant Letter Notification), stating the official approval of the reimbursement, the granted budget and a payment request form which must be completed after the completion of the Workshop.

      Criteria of reimbursement

      If the amount of reimbursement by all applications within a call does not exceed the available budget, the applications are handled by the selection committee. If there are more applications than funding is available, the following procedure takes place.

      1. A list of all applications (containing an informative summary) is distributed to all members of the selection committee in form of a table in which every evaluator can mark which applications he or she can evaluate according to their field of expertise.
      2. To guarantee a fair and objective evaluation, an evaluator should have no affiliation with neither the home nor the host institution of the application in question.
      3. All applications are evaluated by two members of the selection committee. The Grant Awarding coordinator distributes the proposals to the individual evaluators.
      4. The criteria given in the table below shall be applied for evaluation. The first criterion (a) is assessed by the Grant Awarding coordinator prior to the evaluation process.
      Criterionmax. points
      a) Before any further criteria are considered
      Application is complete and fulfils all formal requirementspass/no pass
      The application will be ranked last if the applicant was granted in previous callpass/no pass
      b) Evaluation of the proposal
      Applicant from ITC country0 or 10
      Applicant is ECI (or promotes gender balance)0 or 10
      Impact on the career of the applicant15
      Willingness to participate based on the motivation letter10
      Willingness to make a presentation in the Workshop session10
      CV of the applicant10
      Relevance to the objectives of PurpleGain Action20


      1. The evaluators report their evaluations to the Grant Awarding coordinator.
      2. The Grant Awarding coordinator ranks all evaluations and then reports the final result to the selection committee to be discussed and accepted.
      3. The applicants are informed about the decision reached.

      More information

      For further information, you may contact the
