The Call for Abstract 2st Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass is open until 15th May 2023.

The workshop is organized by Dr. Daniel Puyol (Chair and head of the local organizing committee), Dr. Ioanna Vasiliadou (Training Schools Coordinator), Dr. Gabriel Capson Tojo (Working Group 2 Leader), Dr. Joana Fradinho (Vice Chair)., in the frame of WG 2: Resource recovery from waste and wastewater and downstream procedures for PPB biomass of the COST action (CA21146) – PURPLEGAIN. It will be held on 6th July 2023, Madrid, Spain at the Auditorium of the Library Building at the Campus of Vicalvaro (Madrid) of the University Rey Juan Carlos

The workshop in the frame of Working Group 2, which coordinates the initiatives focused on applied research, exploring operational strategies for combined product development, is focused on two main Topics: (i) wastewater treatment with purple phototrophic bacteria and resource recovery from organic waste sources in purple photo-biorefineries, and (ii) downstream processing: advances in extraction and purification of high added-value molecules, and engineering challenges: scale-up of photo-bioreactors, including control and light integration.

Find out in this link to participate in this first workshop.