The Call for Abstract 3rd Workshop Sustainability assessment of multiple PPB process chains and recovered resources to support market penetration and social acceptance is open until 7th August 2023.

The workshop is organized by Dr. Ralph Lindeboom (head of the local organizing committee), Dr. Ioanna Vasiliadou (Training Schools Coordinator), Dr. Dr Vasileia Vasilaki (Working Group 3 Co-Leader), Prof. Jana Klopcheska (Working Group 3 Leader), Dr. Joana Fradinho (Vice Chair) and Dr. Daniel Puyol (Chair).

It will be held on 4 September 2023, in The Social Hub, Van Leeuwenhoekpark 1, 2611 DW Delft, Netherlands.

The workshop is focused on two main topics: i) Holistic assessment (sustainability and circularity), Standardization, Certification, and 2) Social acceptance, marketability and selecting pure and mixed culture PPB cultivation for innovative new products.

Find out in this link to participate in this first workshop.