From July 3 to 5, it will be held at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, under the title Modeling Purple Phototrophic Bacteria for Resource Recovery

This Training School focuses on learning the theoretical basis and practical applications of kinetic modeling of biotechnological processes using purple photosynthetic bacteria. The Training School addresses the problem from a triple perspective, involving biochemistry (kinetics and thermodynamics), metabolism (genomics), and biophysics (photon-electron interaction). Experts will impart the three-day summer school from a diverse portfolio of disciplines from all over Europe, under the frame of the Cost Action CA21146 – Fundamentals and applications of purple bacteria biotechnology for resource recovery from waste (PURPLEGAIN).

The Training School is held under the “Purple Week in Madrid” (3-7 July 2023), which includes this Summer School (3-5 July), a Workshop (6th of July), and a Meeting of the Management Committee of the Cost Action (7th of July). The Summer School is entirely given in English, and registration is free.

Access all the information and join our First Training School at this link.